
Showing posts from April 26, 2020


Comparative Survey, Descriptive Research

  Comparative survey research is a type of descriptive survey where it aims to compare the status of two or more variable, institutions, strategies etc. This technique often uses multiple disciplines in one study.This does not only compare different groups but also same group over time.Few points are to be kept in mind before starting the comparative survey. ·        Comparison Points -The research should be very clear regarding the points to be compared. This can also be identified through review of literature and experience of experts. ·        Assumption of Similarities -  One has to be clear about the similarities the two variable hold. If the researcher do not find this there is no point of comparison. Criteria of Comparison - The researcher has to identify the criteria of comparison keeping in mind the fairness and objectivity. Appropriate tools has to be identified for measurement of criterion variables. ...

Overcoming Anxiety During Covid-19 Pandemic

Dr. Arti Gupta At present everyone in the world is well aware with Corona virus. It has affected our everyday life. So much has changed in such a short time. We all know what measures we should take to prevent the spread and are following daily. Here, I ‘m going to tell you about few things that we should adopt to boost our family mentally especially our children. It’s natural for everyone to feel anxious during crises. Anxiety is a normal emotion that we need to pay attention to protect ourselves. It’s a sudden reaction to feel the need for safety, predictability and control. But, when this becomes overwhelming, we are unable to face the challenge. So, here I’m giving few tips to help you and your family to cope up with anxiety. They are:- Follow the expert guidelines for health and safety. When you do these things, you protect your whole family and community. Be a good role model for your kids. Let them see that you are following the guidelines. Accept anxiety as one o...