
Showing posts from March 27, 2022


Comparative Survey, Descriptive Research

  Comparative survey research is a type of descriptive survey where it aims to compare the status of two or more variable, institutions, strategies etc. This technique often uses multiple disciplines in one study.This does not only compare different groups but also same group over time.Few points are to be kept in mind before starting the comparative survey. ·        Comparison Points -The research should be very clear regarding the points to be compared. This can also be identified through review of literature and experience of experts. ·        Assumption of Similarities -  One has to be clear about the similarities the two variable hold. If the researcher do not find this there is no point of comparison. Criteria of Comparison - The researcher has to identify the criteria of comparison keeping in mind the fairness and objectivity. Appropriate tools has to be identified for measurement of criterion variables. ...

Orthodox School’s Views of Knowledge

  Discipline as source of Knowledge forms of Academic Discipline Postmodernism Heterodox schools views of Knowledge Pramana as a valid source of Knowledge Relevance of Gandhis's concept of education to present times The schools that believed in the authority, views & knowledge of the Vedas are termed as Orthodox schools. Over centuries, India’s intellectual exploration of truth has come to be represented by many systems under Orthodox schools. Of them the most famous ones are- Gautama’s Nyaya, Kannada’s Vaisesika, Kapila’s Samkhya, Patanjali’s Yoga, Jamini’s Purva Mimamsa and Badarayana’s Uttara Mimamsa or the Vedanta. 1)       The Nyaya School : It was founded by Gautama Muni. According to the school, knowledge comes from four sources-Perception (Pratyaksa), Inference (Anumana), Comparison (Upamana) and the Vedic word (sabda). Moreover, the objects of learning are self, body, sense organs, sense objects, intellect, mind and activity. That is it is in...

Different forms of Academic Discipline

  Discipline as a Source of Knowledge Equality and Equity in Education                  Concept of Privatization in Indian Education System Education vs Learning Education as a Discipline In the previous post I discussed about the discipline in detail. Here I will discuss about different forms of academic discipline:- Basic Discipline : Those disciplines which have their own logical structure of knowledge are called basic disciplines. Each discipline in this category has its own network of concept which is distinctive and unique in nature. They are studied purely for the sake of knowledge and aim towards fundamental research. There is systematic observation of phenomena solely for discovering unknown facts which may develop into theories. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, History, and Sociology etc are basic disciplines. For e.g.:In Mathematics we solve problems, find facts and answer questions; that do not depend on the world around us...

Explain Discipline as a Source of Knowledge

   Education vs Indoctrination                         Different forms of Academic Discipline English as a Global Language                        Education as a Discipline Heterodox Schools views of Knowledge Every day we get lot of information & knowledge from many sources like- discipline, subjects, environment etc. Though the terms appear as synonymous but the difference is startling. Information is organized data about someone or something obtained from various sources. It can be easily transferred. Whereas, knowledge is justified true belief. It is based on facts and values. One has to acquire knowledge by learning, generalization and experience. For eg: when we throw a ball upwards it always falls back to Earth. We are aware with this, that is, we have information. But when we know the reason behind ball falling back to earth and can explain this fa...

Economic Influence on Equality of Educational Opportunity

Equity and Equality in Education                      Different forms of Academic Discipline Education vs Indoctrination Chief features of Metaphysical Poetry   Education directly refers to improving the economic and social status in society; therefore equality of educational opportunity means to give equal chance to every individual to get educated for the development of his capacity. Infact the Constitution of India has made provisions for equal educational opportunity to all people of the country. In other words, equality of educational opportunity means the provision of incentives to school children with special facilities and provisions in higher education so as to compensate for the social and economic handicaps faced by disadvantaged sections of society. However, the economic system of India influences the equality of educational opportunity. We all know that India is a developing country as such half of its population...

Concept of Equality and Equity in Education

Education vs Learning                           Discipline as a Source of Knowledge Education vs Indoctrination Economic influence on Equality of Educational Opportunity In simple words, concept of Equality is value; whereas, Equity refers to the strategies adopted to realize the value of equality. Taking the dictionary definition, “Equality is the state or quality of being equal; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank or ability.                                And, “Equity is the quality of being fair or impartial.” Now, relating this to education, we find- Equality is when all children are treated in the same way without giving any importance to their need and requirements. No one is discriminated on the basis of race, caste, sex, disability, religion etc. All students are given the same resources....