
Showing posts from May 10, 2020


Comparative Survey, Descriptive Research

  Comparative survey research is a type of descriptive survey where it aims to compare the status of two or more variable, institutions, strategies etc. This technique often uses multiple disciplines in one study.This does not only compare different groups but also same group over time.Few points are to be kept in mind before starting the comparative survey. ·        Comparison Points -The research should be very clear regarding the points to be compared. This can also be identified through review of literature and experience of experts. ·        Assumption of Similarities -  One has to be clear about the similarities the two variable hold. If the researcher do not find this there is no point of comparison. Criteria of Comparison - The researcher has to identify the criteria of comparison keeping in mind the fairness and objectivity. Appropriate tools has to be identified for measurement of criterion variables. Comparative survey research is carried on when the researcher cannot

Chief Features of Romanticism

chief features of metaphysical poetry Colonialism Historians of English Literature have designated the period from 1798 to 1832 as the Romantic Period. William Wordsworth and S.T.Coleridge published Lyrical Ballads in 1798 and Sir William Scott died in 1832. The term ‘Romantic’ implies a literary and philosophical theory which tends to see individual at the very center of life and all experience. The individual is placed at the center of art. Literature is therefore an expression of his unique feelings and particular attitudes. Romanticism is opposed to the artificial conventions, the reigning literary tradition and the poetic establishment. It is concerned with the individual, the informal, the emotional and the dynamic. It attempts to catch the transient moments. For the poets of this period, Art is a mirror in which we find a reflection of life. According to Wordsworth, ‘poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings’. It is an inborn gift and not something a

Evaluate A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man as Stream of Consciousness Novel

Stream of Consciousness is a phrase coined by psychologist William James in his research work The Principles of Psychology (1890 ) to describe the flow of thoughts of the waking mind. According to him the intervention of time cannot break the continuity of consciousness. It flows like a stream of river. The writers of this group relate all mental experience of their characters be they pleasant or unpleasant, trivial or significance without any restrain. The novels of Dorothy Richardson, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are often seen as examples of this method. James Joyce one of the greatest novelist started his career with realistic pictures of life in his works but with special emphasis on the exploration of the state of human consciousness i.e. adopting the stream of consciousness technique. He employed this in his first novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) and thus, used more extensively in Ulysses (1922).   James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist