
Comparative Survey, Descriptive Research

  Comparative survey research is a type of descriptive survey where it aims to compare the status of two or more variable, institutions, strategies etc. This technique often uses multiple disciplines in one study.This does not only compare different groups but also same group over time.Few points are to be kept in mind before starting the comparative survey. ·        Comparison Points -The research should be very clear regarding the points to be compared. This can also be identified through review of literature and experience of experts. ·        Assumption of Similarities -  One has to be clear about the similarities the two variable hold. If the researcher do not find this there is no point of comparison. Criteria of Comparison - The researcher has to identify the criteria of comparison keeping in mind the fairness and objectivity. Appropriate tools has to be identified for measurement of criterion variables. Comparative survey research is carried on when the researcher cannot

Discuss the difference between Novel and Short Story

Poem and Short Story


Critics are of the opinion that during the depressing decades of the 19th century, the short story found its inner and authentic voice.  It is preferred for its special feature; that of motion of remembrance.  Though, the writers are often great novelists; and the novelists, a great story writer but the short stories and novels are at par with each other.  We often find that a story is read in one sitting so its effect is sudden, powerful and revealing; whereas novel involves readers at a more leisurely pace, slowly illuminating complexities as it takes days to read.

Moving forward towards novel, which is a marvelous fiction, its real  beauty lies in its characterization and plot development.  It has several twists in the main story, and the reader often feels that the main story has been deviated and affected by the involvement of different sub-stories and sub-plots or by the involvement of new important character. 

Notwithstanding, its importance, it is gratifying to note that the novel is a living and evolving literary genre, and is trying, in the hands of its practitioners, a fusion of form, substance and expression, especially that Indo-Anglian bearing the marks of universality. In the words of K.R.S. Iyengar,

“The novel is a means of expression for the writer, and it is ultimately born of understanding and love.  The novelist understanding (of man, of Nature, of God) has to be as total and as integral as possible; and his love (or compassion) has to be a total power too.  Such understanding and power will forge their own appropriate means- language form, technique-for communicating the totality of the vision and the whole power of the love to the readers.  Whatever the subject- a patch of past history, a segment of contemporary life, a problem in ethics or politics, a revolutionary eruption in the body politic-the novelists understanding and love will make his writing transcend the merely local and controversial, and attain the vitality and dignity of creative literature.”(2)

Coming to the composition, it is deliberately noted that, on one hand in a novel the author takes time to present the protagonists, through physical and psychological descriptions.  On the other, these characters aren’t so numerous and their features are less developed in a short story.  The atmosphere is also different.  While context is described precisely in a novel, it is not the case concerning the short stories.  All those minute details are not brought to the surface. 

Furthermore, the plot is often simple and unique in short stories while that in the novel can be multiple and include new developments.  Also, there is a difference between the events and episodes in both of these fictions.  In the novels of Dickens and Thackeray, for example, there was a story element episode; each part of the serialized publication has to be complete in it and also prepare the ground for what was to follow.  In a short story on the other hand, there is nothing to follow, nothing to look forward to.  The end of the story is the end.  It is self-contained.  It is marked by the sense of finality, of definiteness, of tautness from beginning to end.

Also the short stories are written in a limited number of words with a focused attention.  We cannot skip any of the description which is very often done in a novel –that is skipping of the settings.  Some of the fantasy, horror or science fiction novels are of greatest lengths. 

Some famous books like ‘The Lord of Rings’ series and the ‘Harry Potter’ series have set the trademark of having the most words.  Similarly, the stories of Jonathan Swift and  Rudyard Kipling and in Indo-Anglian Mulk Raj Anand, K.A. Abbas, R.K. Narayan, M. Isvaran, have given a new dimension to the short story collections.  The novel was the first to take into shape in the Indo-Anglian fiction.  Rajmohun’s Wife’ (1864) by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee was first to be published followed by ‘Durgeshnandini’, ‘Anandmath’ and ‘Devi Chaudhurani’.

Though the novel is rather more enterprising and richer in content but in present days people are inclined more towards short –stories as they are interesting and less- time taken.  This short fiction with its concentration, brevity and sensitiveness can better record moments than the broader canvas of the novel.



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