
Comparative Survey, Descriptive Research

  Comparative survey research is a type of descriptive survey where it aims to compare the status of two or more variable, institutions, strategies etc. This technique often uses multiple disciplines in one study.This does not only compare different groups but also same group over time.Few points are to be kept in mind before starting the comparative survey. ·        Comparison Points -The research should be very clear regarding the points to be compared. This can also be identified through review of literature and experience of experts. ·        Assumption of Similarities -  One has to be clear about the similarities the two variable hold. If the researcher do not find this there is no point of comparison. Criteria of Comparison - The researcher has to identify the criteria of comparison keeping in mind the fairness and objectivity. Appropriate tools has to be identified for measurement of criterion variables. Comparative survey research is carried on when the researcher cannot

Chief Features of Metaphysical Poetry

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The word Metaphysics means based on abstract general reasoning. Basically it deals with questions that can’t be explained by science. It questions the nature of reality in a philosophical way. Metaphysics cover a broad range of topics from religious to consciousness; however all ponder the nature of reality.

Literary critic and poet Samuel Johnson first coined the term ‘Metaphysical Poetry’ in his book Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets. It denotes the work of group of poets who came directly or indirectly under Donne’s influence. Usually lyrical in nature, there work shows a surprising blend of passion and thought; their poems are full of learned imagery and striking conceits and at their best reveal great psychological insight and subtlety of thought development. Metaphysical poetry is primarily a style which provides the poet with a tool that places emotions in the wider matrix of life and also perceives a correlation between one emotion and the other. It is a conception of poetry in which the genesis is, no doubt in private emotions of the poet, but the private emotion is judged and evaluated in a bigger pattern. In this category are included a host of seventeenth century poets namely Donne, Herbert, Crashaw, Marvell, Vaughan and Traherne.

  • Blend of passion, thought and feelings: The metaphysical were well-acquainted with the human elements like passion, thought and feelings and they also believed that there exists some kind of relationship among these three which they viewed more in terms of morality and less aesthetics. Commenting on this relation T.S.Eliot states, 
        The relationship between thought and feeling is infact the recreation of thought into feelings.

        For e.g; Donne in his poem The Extasie finds a close link  between body, soul and mind.
  • Personal expression: According to Duncan critics have found ‘the flux and flow’ of particular experience of the metaphysical in their poetry. During Renaissance writers were interested in the love theme or in the expression of the abstract in the universe. But the metaphysical shifted the mode of expression from abstract to personal. Though this feature is not present in all metaphysical but majority were interested in the personal expression in order to communicate their feelings. This tendency resulted into a new point of view in poetry, commonly known as writer’s point of view.
  • Theme: Metaphysical poetry is the mixture of sensual and spiritual experience. Two popular themes are religion and love. Many metaphysical did not believe in an organized religion and encouraged people to think when it comes to religion and spirituality. They often dealt with questions about the existence of God and the tendency of human beings to perceive this world.  Another frequent theme was love- lust, romance and all that accompanies. There was little reference to contemporary matters- political etc, but the problem of the time were often reflected in the poetry especially the religious issues.
  • Logic and metaphor (conceit): Aristotle approved of the use of metaphors which are derived from well-constructed enigmas and was opined that one should select metaphors from objects which are closely related to the thing itself; but these should not be immediately obvious. The metaphysical poets thoroughly followed this principle of Aristotle. They brought logical extension into their poetry with the help of metaphor. Andrew Marvell’s poem The Definition of Love is an ideal example.
  • Wit: All the metaphysical had a great fascination for wit with which they tried to refine their language of poetry. Wit played a vital role in the selection of far-fetched and scientific images. John Donne is called the ‘monarch of wit’ in the history of metaphysical poetry.
  • Originality: All the metaphysical poets were unique and original in their ideas and thoughts. They stood against their contemporaries and followed their own way of writing poetry.
  • Unclarity: Metaphysical poetry is considered highly ambiguous due to high intellect and knowledge of metaphysical poets. The poetry is challenging to understand at the first reading. It needs full concentration and attention to get to the roots.
  • An expanded epigram: A fitting description of metaphysical poetry. Nothing is described in detail nor is any word wasted.. Though the verse forms are usually simple they are always suitable in enforcing the sense of poem.
  • Condensed Style: With the reaction against Elizabethan ideas and techniques, the old rhetorical contrived style gave way to a more condensed style following more closely the wording and rhythm of everyday speech. There is wiry strength in the style. The poetic style is sometimes almost startling in its sudden beauty of phase and melody of diction but there are unexpected turns of language and figures of speech.

Metaphysical Poets:-

John Donne (1573-1631)
George Herbert (1593-1633)
Richard Crashaw (1613-1649)
Henry Vaughan (1622-1695)
Thomas Carew (1594-1639)
Abraham Cowley (1618-1667)
Andrew Marvell (1621-1678)
Thomas Traherne (1637-1674)


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