
Comparative Survey, Descriptive Research

  Comparative survey research is a type of descriptive survey where it aims to compare the status of two or more variable, institutions, strategies etc. This technique often uses multiple disciplines in one study.This does not only compare different groups but also same group over time.Few points are to be kept in mind before starting the comparative survey. ·        Comparison Points -The research should be very clear regarding the points to be compared. This can also be identified through review of literature and experience of experts. ·        Assumption of Similarities -  One has to be clear about the similarities the two variable hold. If the researcher do not find this there is no point of comparison. Criteria of Comparison - The researcher has to identify the criteria of comparison keeping in mind the fairness and objectivity. Appropriate tools has to be identified for measurement of criterion variables. Comparative survey research is carried on when the researcher cannot


Postmodernism is a complicated term or set of ideas, one that has emerged as an area of academic study since the late 1950s. Modernism was the period between 1910 and 1930 when the famous modernists like Woolf, Joyce, Eliot, Pound etc gave their contributions. According to American Heritage Dictionary, 

Postmodernism is,
            Of or relating to art, architecture or literature that reacts against earlier modernist principles, or by reintroducing traditional or class elements of style or by carrying modernist styles or practices to extremes. It is so architecturally interesting…with its post-modern wooden booths and sculptural clock.

Postmodernism is a concept that appears in a wide variety of disciplines including art, architecture, music, film, literature, sociology, communication, fashion and technology. Modernism was primarily concerned with principles such as identity, unity, authority and certainty. And, postmodernism is often associated with difference, plurality, textuality, scepticism and self-reflexivity. In the postmodern understanding, interpretation is everything; reality only comes into being through our interpretations of what the world means to us individually. Postmodernism relies on concrete experience over abstract principles, knowing always that the outcome of one’s own experience will necessarily be fallible and relative, rather than certain and universal.

It is ‘post’ because it denies the existence of any ultimate principles, and it lacks the optimism of being a scientific, philosophical or religious truth which will explain everything- a characteristic of the so- called modern mind. The paradox of the postmodern position is that, in placing all principles under the scrutiny of its scepticism, it must realize that even its own principles are not beyond questioning.

Jean Francois Lyotard’s book The Postmodern Civilization has proved to be the major text for debates on postmodernism, with his stress on the need to be incredulous towards good narrative. Given below is the propositional account of postmodernism:-
1)      There is no such thing as transcendent truth. What we call ‘true’ is simply what we agree with. They are merely negotiated beliefs, the products of social construction and fabrication.
2)      Knowledge, reality and truth are the products of language.
3)      If there were any transcendent or objective truths, they would be inaccessible and unknowable by human beings, hence unavailable for any practical epistemological purposes.
4)      There are no privileged epistemic positions and no certain foundations for beliefs. All claims are judged by conventions or language games, which have no deeper grounding. There are no neutral, transcultural standards for settling disagreements.
5)      Appeals to truth are merely instruments of domination or repression which should be replaced by practices with progressive social value.
6)      Truth cannot be attained because all putatively truth-oriented practices are corrupted and biased by politics or self-serving interests.

Another literary critic Ihab Hasan in his book Paracriticisms equates postmodernism with anti-elitism and anti-authoritarianism. According to Linda Hutcheon, conventions are used, abused and subverted in post modern literature through the use of irony and parody.

It is also found, postmodern literature also often rejects boundaries between high and low forms of art and literature, as well as the distinctions between different genres and forms of writing and storytelling. Therefore, one can say postmodernism stood against modernism.


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