
Comparative Survey, Descriptive Research

  Comparative survey research is a type of descriptive survey where it aims to compare the status of two or more variable, institutions, strategies etc. This technique often uses multiple disciplines in one study.This does not only compare different groups but also same group over time.Few points are to be kept in mind before starting the comparative survey. ·        Comparison Points -The research should be very clear regarding the points to be compared. This can also be identified through review of literature and experience of experts. ·        Assumption of Similarities -  One has to be clear about the similarities the two variable hold. If the researcher do not find this there is no point of comparison. Criteria of Comparison - The researcher has to identify the criteria of comparison keeping in mind the fairness and objectivity. Appropriate tools has to be identified for measurement of criterion variables. Comparative survey research is carried on when the researcher cannot

Main Ideas in Ronald Barthes essay ‘The Death of the Author’

Ronald Barthes an intellectual figure was thoroughly steeped in controversies throughout his life. One of such is found in his declaration on the place of author in 1968 in a literary text The Death of the Author. For many reasons the essay remains one of the most sensational in the history of literary theorizing. Expectedly, his contribution of a wide range of field- from psychoanalysis to linguistics to structuralism to deconstruction and Marxism exerts a great deal of influence on the position he takes in the essay.
Generally the term ‘author’ means, someone who writes a book. But Ronald Barthes essay, The Death of the Author however demonstrates that,
            An author is not simply a ‘person’ but a socially and historically constituted subject.
Through this work one can find the ideas that Barthes brings out relate to (a) author (b) language (c) text and (d) reader.

In this essay, Barthes precedes a sort of post-structuralist or deconstructive view of the author. He takes different stands through which he announces the metamorphic death of the author. It also declares the death of structuralism. Here, Barthes questions the historical issue regarding the place of the author. He agrees that when the author writes the text his voice is no more dominant in it.
How the reader interprets the text is more important.

According to Barthes, the intentions of author are irrelevant. The work isn’t an exact replica of his intentions and in the process of giving words to the thoughts, writer intentionally or unintentionally is involved in a process of meaning- making on which he has not complete control. And, in case even if the author is honestly telling his intentions behind what he has written, there is no guarantee that author was successfully able to depict that in his work, which would besides showing supposed failure would also add beauty to the text due to various possible interpretations that it might offer.
Barthes critiques this by suggesting that one should not see the author as some sort of divine creator who creates the text or meaning out of nothing but the one who is putting together various pre-existing thoughts and ideas in a unique and skilful way. His, this idea leads him to conclude that author is nothing other than translator and imitator and nothing is original for him. He simply imitates the materials that were already used.

Writing is the deconstruction of own voice or erasing of the self. As the writer begins, the author starts entering in to his own death. It is not the author who speaks in the text but it is the language that does so. Pointing towards another idea in the essay he says,
Linguistically author is nothing; hence it is the language that functions.
As soon as the author starts writing he is dead because when he writes he has no control over the text, rather, it depends on the interpretation of readers. Text is fabric of quotations from thousand of cultural sources. Author uses language to put text in infinite meanings and allows the reader to interpret it.

Another important point mentioned is,
Writing is not an expression but a scription.
Expressionist and Universalist type of author is dead and it is the scripter who occupies their place. Critics, readers and writers share commonalities as they are working on the same language which disclaims any authorial presence. Here, Barthes contrasts with Saussure and declares to be a deconstructionist. The latter says there is signifier which has a signified; but Barthes rejects the possibility of a signified or singular meaning.

Next he gives importance to reader and claims that reader-response theory is based on the ground of the death of the author. The traditional author who authorised to hold meaning is dead. An author is one who just holds the language and has no authority over the text and meaning. It encourages the reader for interpreting any text the way he likes. Barthes states that ‘reading is the true place of writing’. Giving examples of the Greek tragedies with texts that contain double meaning, he says the reader is aware of them; implying the ‘multiplicity of writing’ rest on the reader for open interpretation.
            The unity of text lies in the audience and the destination rather than author and the origin.

In short the main ideas of the essay The Death of the Author is that, Barthes questions the authority of the author and gives more importance to language, text and reader.


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