
Comparative Survey, Descriptive Research

  Comparative survey research is a type of descriptive survey where it aims to compare the status of two or more variable, institutions, strategies etc. This technique often uses multiple disciplines in one study.This does not only compare different groups but also same group over time.Few points are to be kept in mind before starting the comparative survey. ·        Comparison Points -The research should be very clear regarding the points to be compared. This can also be identified through review of literature and experience of experts. ·        Assumption of Similarities -  One has to be clear about the similarities the two variable hold. If the researcher do not find this there is no point of comparison. Criteria of Comparison - The researcher has to identify the criteria of comparison keeping in mind the fairness and objectivity. Appropriate tools has to be identified for measurement of criterion variables. Comparative survey research is carried on when the researcher cannot

Discuss New Criticism in Literature



Wordsworth Poetic diction

Feminist theory

History of English Language

 New Criticism emerged in literature in the first half of twentieth century, which believed in objectivity, that is, literary criticism should be free from subjectivity and emotionalism. According to New Criticism, the literary work constituted an independent world of its own with its own internal laws that needed to be recognized and understood.  It had its own identity, moral centre and significance, irrespective of the authorial intention.

    Prior to this, literary criticism was devoted to the casual explanation of the texts. Critics paid more attention to the author’s life, his immediate social and cultural environment and his statements on the work. However, New Criticism reacts against this extrinsic approach. They shifted the attention from the author to the text. They believed in the supremacy and autonomy of the words on the text. Also, they stressed on the literary work as a mode of communication between the artist and the reader.  The function of critic according to New Criticism is to understand and judge the text unaffected by international fallacy.

   John Crowe Ramson in his book The New Criticism (1941) says,

     Discussion of The New Criticism must start with Mr. Richards. The New Criticism very nearly began with him.  

    I.A.Richards proposed a psychological theory of art in his book Principles of Literary Criticism (1924). According to him the two pillars upon which theory of criticism must rest are an account of value and communication.  In Practical Criticism (1929) he analyses the different mistakes of interpretation and evaluation.  He believes that the meaning of the text grew out of interplay of sense, feeling, tone and attitude.

   In Tradition and Individual Talent (1919) T.S.Eliot emphasizes the need for critical thinking. He refutes the concept of poetry as an expression of emotion and lays stress on impersonality. He also discusses the tools like comparison and analysis in The Function of Criticism, which has been widely used by most New Critics

  F.R.Leavis in Introduction from Revaluation (1936) emphasized his lack of interest in abstract principles and recommended a purely empirical textual approach to literary criticism.

   John Crowe Ramson makes a strong plea for the development of literary criticism in Criticism Inc. (1937). According to him the New Criticism concept should be a collaborative effort in the elucidation and evaluation of literary texts. He suggests literary criticism to be systematic and to be dealt by only professionals.

    In his book The Well Wrought Urn (1947) Cleanth Brooks takes representative poems of different ages as illustrations of the operation of the paradox. He believes in judging poem in its totality as a poem. Poetry is not an abstract statement about experience according to him; it is itself an experience.  

    W.K.Wimsatt  in his essays The International Fallacy and The Affective Fallacy analyses devices like meter, euphony, rhyme, elements of style and their relationship with meaning. While the former insists that no poem can be judged by reference to poet’s intentions; the latter one is an attack on the attempt to judge a poem by the effect it has on the reader.

    The other critics who gave their contribution in this field are Allen Tate, R.P.blackmur, Yvor Winters Kenneth Burke, R.P.Warren etc.

    Hence, New Criticism developed a new perspective to judge literature. This resulted in revaluation. The Metaphysical Poets have gained reputation, while Milton, Spenser and the Victorian poets have been devalued. Shakespeare benefited the most from New Criticism.

    Though New Criticism gave tremendous contribution to poetry by critical essays, the fiction lagged behind. It is not justified for the study of fiction.  


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